Monday, September 30, 2019

Iago Essay

Karolis 12A H/W Iago is a character who is admired and loathed in the equal measure to what extent is he both a hero and villain of Tragedy? In the play Othello by William Shakespeare Iago gets introduced in act 1 scene 1 where he had been complaining to the audience and Roderigo that he had not been chosen to be the lieutenant but Cassio being chosen instead of him by the likes of Othello. Shakespeare from this scene had shown the audience that Iago will be the Stimulus in the play causing the tragedy in the play because we have seen that he has a motive which is to gain revenge over Othello. This will straight show the audience that he is a villain alike character in this play because of this negative motive he has, so in the beginning of Act 1 Scene 1 Iago will be most likely seen as the villain. But on the other hand the audience might sympathise with Iago because he had not been chosen to be the lieutenant and that his motive understandable but he will still not be seen as the hero but a character some people can relate with, especially in the context this play had been written, The reason are that most people watching this would have been peasants in their society and the only character they would have been able to relate with is Iago. Also that in the context of this play people might have been a racist and not have seen Othello as a hero but Iago being a victim of Othello because his colour and that they might believe that Othello does not deserve being a general. Iago would be most likely seen as a villain to the modern audience because of his mischievous motive and how out of proportion it is from his goal, the audience might feel sympathy for Iago but will most likely not agree what he is doing is a good enough reason to do his plan, but it is possible that the audience say he is a villain but really it is possible that the audience want him to prosper because of his cunning us of him and his plan. The reason for this is because most production of this genre will not be as good without a cunning villain for example in Shakespeare's production â€Å"Much ado about nothing† Don John had been the cunning villain in this play who is much a like to Iago because he had tried to sabotage someone's life who had trusted him with a motive which was out of proportion to his goal with a smart plan. So the modern audience would see Iago most likely as villain but might admire him for how mischievous he is and well thought out plan he had constructed and how in the play starting off in such a bad state he is the poppet master in retrospect Likewise the audience will also have their opinion to Iago's character but might see him differently as the modern audience would see him, at the context of the play there would be two types of audiences one is the peasants and the other will be the rich. The peasants and the rich might see him differently to the rich for example, the peasants might not understand why he wants the reputation but on the other hand the rich would see it differently to the peasants. But peasants with the rich might like him because in this play he is the only character to directly speak to the audience giving a feeling to of actually knowing and that we know he thoughts unlike any other character. So in extent Iago is seen both as a villain and hero to the audience in the Shakespearean times because of the audience differently sympathies with him so I believe he would be more of a villain at that time but they would admire him for the cunning us of his plan, like the modern audience would see him and that he did not let the fact that Othello did not make him the lieutenant drag and that he still tried to gain his reputation from Cassio and ruin the reputation of Othello doing so and since he had been trying to ruin Othello and in the context Othello might have been despised by the audience and might have believed that he should not be such a high ranking because of his colour. In conclusion both the modern audience would see Iago in a similar way but for different reasons, they would most likely see him as the villain but meaning they loaf him but they admire how well thought out his plan actually is and how good he is at lying while he also has become the character who runs t he show, to the extent that he would be loafed is certain but the audience who admire him is most likely to be a bigger proportion to the audience who don't. Furthermore I believe he would also be more seen as a villain because he does not suite the definition of a hero in anyway making him most likely the villain as the audience see him

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Vs Cognitive Intelligence Essay

DECLARATION I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research/study. I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications. I also declare, if this is a practical skills assessment, that a Client/Interviewee Consent Form has been read and signed by both parties,  and where applicable parental consent has been obtained. In a fiercely competitive and changing world, organisational competency has become a crucial tool of survival (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2007). As intelligence testing is regaining popularity, it is increasingly common to fill out personality questionnaires at job interviews. What is IQ, and does it define a person? What does it mean to be emotionally intelligent? How do these theories compare with each other, and do they provide adequate appraisal of competency? This essay presents a Cognitive Intelligence (CI) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) overview in modern organisations, the two most prominent cognitive processes in the field of Organisational Behaviour; it evaluates strengths and limitations in theory and practice. Furthermore, this essay offers practical recommendations for modern organisations, including a proposed integrated approach of both theories as a comprehensive model of assessment to help gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of the human mind. Organisational behaviour examines individuals and groups in the work environment (Wood et al., 2013). The human element exerts profound influence in the workplace (Presser, 2006, as cited in Lockwood, 2006). According to Armstrong, Cools and Sadler-Smith (2012), cognitive development is an essential business tool with interest increasing six folds over the last 40 years. Evidence of ability testing was found as far back as ancient China 2200 BC (Fletcher & Hattie, 2011) but the discipline was not accredited until the late 1940’s (Wood et al., 2013). In spite of its popularity, cognitive development has generated fierce debates among the experts who disagree on concepts, interpretation and terminology; this discord has generated undesired scepticism and misunderstanding (Fulmer & Barry, 2004). CI and EI explore two distinctive aspects of cognitive abilities. The more accepted of the two, with many decades of extensive research, is CI (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2002). Over a hundred years ago, Spearman (1904) introduced CI as an essential part of learning (as cited in Schmidt & Hunter , 2004). CI is â€Å"essentially the ability to learn† (as cited in Schmidt, 2002, p. 188). Gottfredson (1997) expands with terms like â€Å"catching on,† â€Å"making sense† or â€Å"figuring out what to do† (as cited in Fulmer & Barry, 2004, p. 247). CI is measured through psychometrics tests (or intelligence metric assessment) and expressed as a number called IQ or  Ã¢â‚¬ËœIntelligence Quotient’ (IQ, 2014). There are many psychometrics tests, but the most popular are the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale – frequently revised and used worldwide (Human Intelligence, 2014). IQ scores range between 85 and 115 (please see Graph 1); the further to the right, the more gifted the individual. Early research maintained that IQ scores determined a person’s intelligence (Fletcher & Hattie, 2011) but society has evolved from this limiting idea. Many theorists agree that CI remains a reliable performance measurement (Fulmer & Barry, 2004). It is hard to ignore people’s intellectual or physical differences (Fletcher & Hattie, 2011) and to this day, CI remains the most widely accepted and understood cognitive theory (Fulmer & Barry, 2004), particularly in the fields of business, medicine and education. Armstrong, Cools and Sadler-Smith (2012) attribute this renewed interest to several factors: research is now able to recognise the difference between abilities (CI) and personality (EI); the theories are easier to grasp and considered mainstream psychology; also research is conducted in a more ethical manner and the results are more convincing. This attitude is also reflected in empirical studies. Since the end of WWI, CI has been used to hire employees in the workplace (Yerkes, 1921); its use remains consistent in many behavioural categories of health risks, crime and occupation (Schmidt & Hunter, 2004). Mistakes are learnt from the past and researchers are more politically aware, ethical and flexible; morals and objectivity have replaced lack of transparency to factor human variables (Fletcher & Hattie, 2011). CI will stay as long as technology is employed at work (Salgado & Anderson, 2002; as cited in Viswesvaran and Ones, 2002). However, some limitations are present in the research. One of the most significant limitation is Tthe wide variety of definitions and terminology generates confusion and doubt (Armstrong, Cools & Sadler-Smith, 2011). For example: intelligence testing (Fletcher & Hattie, 2011), intelligence model (Roberts, Matthews & Zeidner, 2010), general mental health (GMA) (Schmidt & Hunter, 2004) and so on. Another criticism is reducing individuals to a simplistic linear value, discounting environmental and cultural variables (Fletcher & Hattie, 2011). However the biggest criticism is the neglect of other vital aspects of cognitive ability (Neisser et al., 1996, as cited in Fulmer & Barry, 2004). Studies increasingly demonstrate that a single theory no  longer provides adequate competency measures when alternatives are available (Schmidt & Hunter, 2004). CI constraints are not limited to theoretical concepts; there are a number of practical flaws. A typical CI drawback is the lack of practical use of academic skills in the real world (Schmidt & Hunter, 2004). Brody (2004) argues that a person may have knowledge of a discipline, but not the competence to put it into application in the work environment. For instance: relationship counsellors may be familiar with the theories of dealing with harassment, yet fail deliver comfort, compassion and understanding for their clients. In reverse, research shows that some individuals without education may still possess competent thinking abilities (Fletcher & Hattie, 2011). *Linking sentence here if you’re going to introduce EI next* One of the most revolutionised ideas that came out of the nineties was EI and its impact on job performance (Goleman, 1998; as cited in Cà ´tà © & Miners, 2006). Four elements define EI: thought-processing, problem-solving, learning, decision-making and interpersonal relationships (Witkin et al. 1977, as cited in Viswesvaran & Ones, 2002); the five personality dimensions of EI that affect work performance are: introversion-extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability and openness to experience (Wood et al., 2013). EI has been integrated in many organisations’ training includi ng business schools, professionals, sales, management and so on (Cà ´tà © & Miners, 2006). A number of EI tests have emerged but the most popular one is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers, 1962, as cited in Armstrong, Cools and & Sadler-Smith, 2011). CI is far more accepted than before and research reveals EI capabilities too significant to ignore (Neisser et al. 1996, cited in Fulmer & Barry, 2004). As knowledge is easier to access anytime, anywhere in the world via technology, it is becoming less about ‘what you know’ and more about what to do with the information in terms of identifying, analysing and problem-solving (Fletcher & Hattie, 2011). EI is gaining considerable influence in the business world. Research demonstrates that EI predicts academic achievement beyond CI (Miller et al. 2007, as cited in Lyons & Schneider, 2005); it also works as a contextual predictor (Borman & Motowidlo, 1997; as cited in Viswesvaran & Ones, 2002). Where CI lacks consideration for variables, EI abilities allow for a more accurate assessment of work by accounting factor s such as culture, gender,  disabilities and other environmental elements. Additionally, these cognitive abilities, which provide big insights into the human personality and its triggers, can be developed through adulthood (Boyatzis & Sala, 2004). In the practical sphere, the same concept is found. Where CI is deficient, EI is able to balance via a number of ways; for example by discerning and interpreting emotions using body language and visual signals where knowledge and practical skills fail on the job (Rafaeli & Sutton, 1987; Sutton, 1991). And vice versa by those who lack EI and can increase their CI processes through developing interpersonal skills with colleagues to seek assistance to perform the task (Law, Wong & Song, 2004; as cited in Cà ´tà © & Miners, 2006). Consequently, EI’s theoretical limitations are almost on par with the positive attention it has received over many decades. The lack of adequate research and empirical studies are its biggest downfall (Becker, 2003; Landy, 2005; Locke, 2005; cited in Cà ´tà © & Miners, 2006). EI i s also criticised over its theory and assessment (Davies, Stankov, & Roberts, 1998). Experts can’t agree with its definition; some consider EI a function purely based on emotion, others suggest that EI is a mix of personality and emotional management (Lyons & Schneider, 2005; Cherniss, 2010). There are some mixed feelings about EI’s gain to organisations (Motowidlo, Borman & Schmidt, 1997; as cited in Cà ´tà © & Miners, 2006). On the practical side, similar flaws are present. A practical limitation of EI is apparent in the MSCEIT questionnaire where the focus is to identify the emotional aspect of abstract art; a more practical approach would be to teach management and staff basic skills in stress tactics (Cherniss, 2010). The workplace is where individuals compete for goals, promotion or reputation; studies by Joseph and Newman (2010) or Williams, Bargh, Nocera and Gray (2009) caution about the possibilities of using ‘strategic’ EI for self-promotion in the workplace through manipulation, control and self-exploitation (Kilduff, Chiaburu & Menges, 2010). To avoid mishaps, the following is a proposed model to apply CI and EI in modern organisations. There are a number of ways that CI and EI can be applied to modern organisations. 1) More studies are proving that the single theory approach is inadequate and moving towards an integration of the cognitive processes to provide a more satisfying model; where linear models are too simplistic, the critical use of moderation compensates for the other (Boyatzis & Sala, 2004, as cited in Boyatzis,  2011). Organisations would benefit by providing training in both CI and EI development on a regular and ongoing basis to override the honeymoon period of training, particularly focusing on staff with the most experience as it has been found that long term employment tends to lead to a drop in performance (Schmidt & Hunter, 2004). 2) It is important to formulate questionnaires in a clear concise fashion, and keep the content practical and focus on the topic. The audience needs to be carefully considered to keep the content appropriate, for example child counsellors versus drug rehabilitation counsellors (Lynn, 2002). 3) Provide alternative assessment styles to reach a wider audience; for example, delivered as a group or in a private interview (Cools et al., 2009). 4) Consider the relevance of a cross-cultural approach, and other variables such as gender, age group and position within the company. 5) consider a variety of medium to appeal to a wide audience; for example a video, a web-based interactive medium or virtual reality (Chan & Schmitt, 1997). 6) Do some market research relevant to the industry to ensure there are no gaps in the information delivered (Armstrong, Cools & Sadler-Smith (2012). 7) Use care and judgment at all times, respect privacy and cater for existing environment culture (open or discree t). 8) Explore areas in need of development, such as cultural, religious, and interracial. 9) Be mindful that not everyone will be at the same level of knowledge, skills, social ladder and cater for introverts and extroverts. In conclusion, there are differences between CI and EI as the two constructs cover two distinctive aspects of mental intelligence. Both are relevant and contribute to organisational behaviour, however, human behaviour is much too complex to be simplified into two single independent theories. The flaws and strengths found in EI and CI complement each other in a linear fashion (Van Rooy & Viswesvaran, 2004). In this essay, many aspects of CI and EI were explored. It was determined that in spite of a long history, a person is much more than an IQ, and that EI is still at early stage of development. Much work and development is required in the theories to further explore the human potential. To conclude, fFuture studies and competency assessment tools will be interesting to witness over the next few years if the research includes various human genetic var iables in the endeavour to find more answers to adapt to change and reach the full potential of the human personality. References Alvesson, M., & Sveningsson S. (2007). Changing organizational culture: cultural change work in progress. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis. Armstrong, S. J., Cools, E., & Sadler-Smith, E. (2012). Role of cognitive styles in business and management: reviewing 40 years of research. International Journal of Management Reviews 14(3) 238-262. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2370.2011.00315.x Billett, S. (2006). Work, change and workers. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer. Brody, N. (2004). What cognitive intelligence is and what emotional intelligence is not. Psychological Inquiry, 15(3), 234-238. Boyatzis, R. E. (2011). Managerial and leadership competencies: A behavioural approach to emotional, social and cognitive intelligence. Vision, 15(2), 91-100. doi:10.1177/097226291101500202 Cherniss, C., & Goleman, D. (2003). The emotionally intelligent workplace: How to select for, measure, and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups and organizations. New York, NY: Wiley. 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Friday, September 27, 2019

Toyota Motor Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Toyota Motor Corporation - Essay Example Toyota started announcing recalls of 8 – 9 millions after reports of 2000 fatal accidents and 19 deaths from its defective vehicles with accelerator and brake pedal issues. By February 2010 (just before ending of fiscal year on March 31), Toyota had recalled nearly 2 million vehicles from its main markets that also reflected in Income Statement, Cash Flows and Balance Sheet. In fact, the assets and liabilities / debts section were greatly affected from that recall because sales declined and products recalled simultaneously. Toyota Corporation estimated that recall would cost, at least, $2 billion in 2010 – 2011, which may increase in near future if suppliers would increase raw-material / inputs prices followed by high labour expenditures. It is worth mentioning that Toyota's sales in North America reduced by 16% alone in February 2010 in comparison to February 2009 just after the recall. On the other hand, the competitors operational in American markets were among the a ctual beneficiaries, since ‘General Motors recorded sales increase of 15%, Ford observed a growth of 24%, Nissan recorded the growth of 15%, and   Hyundai observed a phenomenal 24% growth in USA. Indeed, the recall enabled Ford Corporation to become second largest automobile seller across North America after General Motors. The recall sabotaged Toyota’s strategic and financial position because customers started switching to other brands, which later resulted in decline in market share. This just happened when Toyota had certain plans / aspirations to benefit from improvements in global economic outlook. Without any doubt, the company in the short - run has been unable to win trust of potential customers and maximise its monetary gains because of additional repair and delivery costs to be incurred from this recall. In addition, the loss of goodwill and reputation alone could prove quite devastating for company in near future when it will launch newly developed products. For instance, potential customers and industry analysts may raise questions about safety, security and reliability of Toyota’s vehicles. In a nut shell, it is justified to argue that Toyota’s balance sheet figures (assets and liabilities) position will deteriorate in fiscal year of 2011 because of mixed consumer confi dence on Toyota’s market offerings.  

Midterm report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Midterm report - Essay Example The most important in the book is the topics it addresses; it is anthology of life in the USA because it traces local understanding of basic human values and needs people face in their lives. Each story in the book is an independent essay with developed story line and its characters. Out of all the stories, Im Jumping  Off  the Bridge by Kevin Sampsell is very special. Narrated in the first person, it tells a story of a man who convinces other man not to commit suicide. The savior, however, is trapped by suicidal thoughts and he has to survive a night fighting with his inner controversies to make the decision to live or not to live.   The other story, Confessions of an Ex-Mormon by Walter Kirn addresses the issue of religion and belief. It follows the narrator on his way from and back to Mormonism, showing how difficult it can be to find belief inside one’s heart. In His Last Game, Brian Doyle manages to render invisible connection between two brothers who are already grown up, but they keep their inner children alive thanks to each other.   Other stories, also written in the first person, deal with economics, politics, relationships, inner struggles, desi re to live, state of mind and many other vital things people can find interesting in literature. This collection of essays reflects current values of people in America. If one wants to have a glimpse in American culture and identity, these stories in their concentration comprehensively represent this hidden knowledge. They are not too philosophical or sophisticated; most of them are written in terms of ordinary daily life with the same ordinary problems. These stories do not offer solutions to global issues of greater gaps between the rich and poor or cure for lethal diseases. They offer a fresh look, a new point of view and ideas to think about in the future. They teach people to appreciate what they have here and now and love their closest people. They show that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Science report in Media vs. Scholarly Sources Essay

Science report in Media vs. Scholarly Sources - Essay Example Some of these tend to support the scientific views raised in various scholarly journals by asserting the relevance in the exact influence of the distance from the sun to the earth on seasonal changes. Other reports have, however, provided contesting results citing different perspectives to the development. This paper provides a comparative analysis of the scientific and scholarly sources in regard to the view on the relationship between the distances from the sun to the earth on seasonal changes taking place over the surface of the earth. Scientific literature describing the association between temperatures variations and the sun’s insulations reaching the earth at different times of the year show that the distance between the sun and the earth influence not only the time of occurrence of seasons but also the intensity and extent of occurrence for such seasonal changes. An observational study conducted by Fligge, Solanki, Unruh, FroK, & Wehrli (1998) on the amount of Pleistocene melt ice indicates different degrees of melting ice at different times of the year and at different points of the earths surface both in the northern and in the southern hemispheres. The connection between the changes experienced in the extent of glacial melts and the alignments of the earth’s orbit was first proposed by one scientific observer Adhemar. His observations were based on the fact that the Antarctic ice is present due to the fact that the winter seasons in the southern hemisphere are longer than the winter in the nor thern hemisphere by up to 8 days thus allowing additionally longer time for the Antarctic ice to form. The effect, as Fligge, Solanki, Unruh, FroK, & Wehrli (1998) observes, result in the thickness of the Antarctic ice being more than the Arctic region. Winter was defined by Adhemar as the period between the equinoxes (the period when the sun is overhead the equator). Besides these

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Portfolio - Essay Example ess surplus, they may be restricted to use it.Their main aim is not to be successful in terms of prosperity, but to give value to the groups of people they deal with. These organizations target to help people globally (Neal, 2001). Moreover, organizations are self-governing meaning they are separate from the government and they control their own activities and also non-compulsory involving some meaningful level of voluntary services. This is the attraction of funds from other sources to non-profit organizations. An organization’s resources are obtained from the communication of its needs. These organizations have different marketing strategies that are utilized to get money or revenues while spending little of what they have. For a non-profit organization to be financed it should determine whether the purpose of being financed is viable financially. It should ensure that it demonstrates some competitive advantage to ensure program viability. Marketers learn about the stakeholders who are involved for the course of the organization. The agency of these non-profit organizations understand the world of marketing and tactics more than they are given credits and are better than many institutions think and they need to be treated and also understand that an agency may need to raise funds. Communication program: According to McLeish (2011), marketing can be seen as a systematic philosophy and approach used in carrying out business. It is important to understand that marketing requires interacting business activities and reinforcing the premises that each area of management has a task to play to have a successful operation. Pricing: In non-profit organizations, price is the link between the resource allocation and the resource attraction. The company’s price of a product allows it to attract more resources than what they use in the production. Some of these organizations use more than one constituency donors and clients to get more resources for the day-to-day

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Explain database security issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Explain database security issues - Essay Example Locking refers to the means of synchronization of potentially simultaneous database or even other ordinary resource’s utilization. In operating systems, locking helps in enforcing and ascertaining the occurrence of events in the appropriate series (Pratt & Adamski, 2011). As the most effective means of enhancing security of data, encryption refers to the translation of data into ciphertext form, which cannot be understood easily by illicit individuals. Therefore, encryption involves the conversion of essential data into secret codes. Encrypted data is sent in codes instead of plain, simple words making it necessary for the receiver’s computer to decrypt such data for one’s display. The reader of such data requires a secret password or key to enhance decryption of the data (Pratt & Adamski, 2011). Views refer to the saved select statements, which permit an individual to work upon the outcomes returned from them. Views are essential in provision of column- or row-level data access, wrapping up sophisticated joints, executing sophisticated collective queries, and tailoring data display (Singh & Kanjilal, 2009). Views are fundamental security tools, habitually utilized in thwarting users from having unrestricted access to tables whereas permitting them to operate with the presented data. All consents can be eradicated from the principal tables, and provided the table’s owner is the view’s owner, the user will have the ability of interacting with the given data, but based on authorizations approved to the view (Pratt & Adamski, 2011). Duplication (replication) refers to a set of catalog objects and data copying and distribution technologies from a given folder into another. This is followed by the sychronization between the two databases in order to uphold uniformity. In the process, a database is copied from one server into another, followed by protection of the dissimilar copies in concurrence. Data replication, on the other hand,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Finance and accounting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Finance and accounting - Case Study Example The WACC reflects the aggregate cost to the financial institution with regard to the company. It is the value that represents the total return that is required by equity or debt holders against the investment in the firm. The risk free-rate is the interest rate charged on the treasury bonds to reflect the bonds of the government as the price that is risk-free. The beta of the firm measures the risk of the stock and was taken based on the average of the industry. The average beta factor that is used is 0.78. The additional information that facilitated the qualification include the working capital averagely 28.1%, the risk-free interest 4.25% respect to a tax shield of 40% and cost of equity 7.79%. The above information facilitated the computation of WACC which in this case is 8.33% in the excel file. Cash flows are computed by EBIT (1-Tax rate) + Depreciation – Net working capital. We shall consider using the average present value so the Future Cash flows are discounted by using equity cost of capital. For discounting the terminal value, the WACC is used considering that after 5 years, the company leverage ratio will be constant and in conforming with the competitors in the industry. The present value of equity affiliates is computed by multiplying it with the average price to Earnings ratio. The un-levered cost of capital for computation of the firm is 7.37%. Because dividend to earnings ratio is changing from one year to the other, the adjusted present value is the best method for valuation of the firm.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Doctrinal Basis Of Liability Essay Example for Free

The Doctrinal Basis Of Liability Essay There are three areas of doctrine of importance to banks. The first concerns the general standard of care the law expects, once a duty of care has been established, whether that be in contract, tort, or fiduciary law. Then the potential liability of a bank is explored as a fiduciary, constructive trustee, or an accessory. Finally, there is brief mention of some emerging standards of liability which have primarily a statutory base. 1. 1. Reasonable Care and Skill A duty of reasonable care and skill for anyone providing a service (including giving advice) runs through contract, tort, and fiduciary law. After a mass of conflicting case law, notably the challenge to concurrent liability in contract and tort posed by the banking case, Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v Liu Chong Hing Bank (1986), it is now settled that a claimant may seek compensation for economic loss caused through the failure to exercise reasonable care and skill in both contract and tort. As for fiduciary law, it has long been the position that a fiduciary (including a trustee) must act or advise with reasonable care and skill. There is long-established authority, in the context of bills of exchange that a bank can be in breach of its duty of reasonable care and skill in failing to make inquiries. Factors such as the standing of the customer, the bank’s knowledge of the signatory, the amount involved, the need for prompt transfer, the presence of unusual features, and the scope and means for making reasonable inquiries may be relevant. . 2. Fiduciary Law (i) Fiduciary Duties and Their Negation Apart from the duty of care key prescriptions are that fiduciaries (1)Should not permit their private interests to conflict with their duty to a beneficiary of the duty; (2)Should not permit their duties to one beneficiary to conflict with their duties to another; (3)Should not make a secret profit, i. e. a profit from their position which is undisclosed to their beneficiaries; and (4)Have a duty of confidentiality. While contracts may modify the scope of fiduciary duties, however, it cannot be that contract can be invoked to negate them regardless of the circumstance. Thus, since many private customers will not necessarily expect their bank to be conducting conflicting corporate-finance business, it will be difficult to imply a contract term negating the undivided loyalty the bank may owe if it is a fiduciary. (ii) Trustees and Agents Fiduciary duties are clearly imposed on trustees and agents. The position with trustees is relatively straightforward. In acting as a trustee of an estate or investment fund a bank must not invest with itself. But a bank will not be in breach of its fiduciary duties if the trust instrument empowers it to open accounts or make deposits or investment with itself, despite its being the trustee. The fiduciary duties attaching to an agent vary, with the nature of the agency. Thus, the bank instructed simply a buy or sell securities has fewer fiduciary duties than if it is the manager of a discretionary fund. (iii) Banks as Financial Advisers and Facilitators need: To furnish all relevant information, relevant in making investment decisions. To give best advice it can. †¢To obtain the best terms for the customers. Woods v. Martins Bank Ltd is an old authority, where the bank advised A to invest in B, which was heavily indebted to it. It is still good law although, since it predated Hedley Byrne, it was necessary to find a fiduciary relationship if liability was to be imposed for negligent advice. 1. 3. Knowing Receipt, Inconsistent Dealing and Assistance (i) Knowing Receipt For this form of liability it must be shown, first that the funds have been disposed of in breach of trust, fiduciary duty, or as a result of some other unconscionable dealing. Moneys held on trust and misapplied are obviously caught. So, too, are misapplied corporate moneys since historically directors have been treated as if they were trustees of the property of the company under their control, so that any wrongful disposition is a breach of trust. The second prerequisite to an action in knowing receipt is that the bank must have received the claimant’s funds for its own benefit. Tracing has a role here: the bank must have beneficially received funds which are traceable as representing those of the claimant. Thirdly, liability for knowing receipt demands knowledge on the part of the bank that there has been a payment in breach of trust, fiduciary duty etc. (ii) Inconsistent Dealing A bank receiving funds in circumstances which do not constitute knowing receipt can still be liable if those funds are subsequently applied for its own benefit (‘inconsistent dealing’). At that point the bank must know that the funds involved are subject to a trust or fiduciary duty and that what it is doing with them is in breach of that. (iii) Assistance Even if a bank is not liable for knowing receipt, it may be liable as an accessory for dishonest assistance. Assistance is a form of accessory liability, which sits alongside other forms of accessory liability in equity, such as the receipt of information in breach of confidence, and including breach of trust or fiduciary duty. What are the prerequisites for accessory liability? First, there has to be a breach of trust or fiduciary duty. Second element in assistance is fault. One gloss in this context is the suggestion in the oft-cited case of Barnes v. Addy (1874) that for assistance there has to be ‘a dishonest and fraudulent design on the part of the trustee’. This may be defended as a way of narrowing the potential liability of accessories such as banks. However, it is now clear that there is no need to establish fraud on the part of the trustee or fiduciary, and an innocent breach of duty is sufficient. Emerging Standard: Due Diligence, Suitability, Good Faith Due diligence as a standard emerged from securities law: in the United States a bank involved in a public offer of securities must make its own investigations (in relation to statements for which it takes responsibility), in other words it is obliged to undertake ‘due diligence’ in relation to the issuer and the issue. This seems to be part of a growing trend to make banks statutorily liable for unlawful activities which they facilitate by their operations, unless they an demonstrate due diligence. Suitability too is a concept most developed in the area of securities regulation. It imposes a liability on those marketing securities which are incompatible with the needs of customer. Closely associate good faith with notions such as fairness, honestly, and reasonableness. In other words, it means simply that in the performance of a contract both parties are assumed to agree not to do anything to impede its performanc e, or to injure the right of the other to receive its benefits. The good-faith doctrine has been invoked in the context of banking, requiring a bank to disclose material information to a commercial counterparty. 2. Duty to advise and the liability for the advice given Some situations clearly involve a bank in giving advice. Advice on reorganization, mergers and acquisitions financing, and so on is the staple diet of investment (merchant) banking. In other situations a bank may assume the role of financial adviser. However, many banking services are not associated with giving advice. The legal issue is whether there is any obligation on a bank to proffer advice in this situation. The second matter addressed is a bank’s liability if it actually does give advice, the advice is faulty, and the customer incurs a loss. 2. 1. Duty to advise (i) The General Rule Generally speaking, one party will be under no obligation to advise another about the nature of the transaction, its prudence, or other features. So, too, in banking, English courts have held that the bank providing an account for a customer need not advise on the risks, or on the tax implications, of certain payments in relation to it. Nor need it advise customers of a more advantageous type of account it is now providing. However, there is a rather clear difference between these and some of the other services and transactions of the modern multifunctional bank. Take the bank selling its own products-be they derivatives to commercial customers, or insurance policies, or interests in a collective investment scheme to private customers. (ii) Situations imposing a duty to advise The first situation where the law imposes a duty to advise is a misrepresentation –a failure to speak or act can constitute conduct which misleads. Thus a half-truth may constitute a misrepresentation, as where a bank canvasses the advantages, but not the risks, of a transaction with a customer. The bank must tell the whole story. A bank’s advertising may be relevant in this respect. Secondly, there can be liability for a failure to disclose in precontractual negotiations if there has been a voluntary assumption of responsibility to do so and reliance by the customer because the court held that the bank was liable when its manage failed to explain clearly to the wife, the effect of a charge over a joint property to secure the husband’s borrowing from the bank. Thirdly, in Cornish v. Midland Bank, Glidewell LJ said that once a bank enters upon the task of advising a customer, it is obliged to explain fully and properly about the nature of the borrowing. Fourthly, if a relationship is fiduciary in character, then disclosure is necessary if a person is to avoid liability for putting interest above duty, or duty to one above duty to another. Fifthly, at common law a bank which takes a guarantee is bound to disclose unusual features in the transaction which has been guarantee. Finally, the duty to advise can be imposed as a result of regulation. (iii) The Advice Required (If Any) Advice may translate into the legal concept of notice, as where the bank must give notice in relation to a conflict of interest. Complete disclosure of all relevant facts known to the fiduciary is required. Advice must, of course, be honestly given-otherwise it is fraudulent. Generally speaking it must also be accurate. Some advice involves highlighting the terms of the contract being entered (or at least some of them). Another approach is to require advice about the alternative on offer-in terms, say, of repayment methods, interest rates, charges, and commissions. Perhaps the most effective advice in relation to some banking transactions is advise, about the attendant risk. The standard demanded here may be objective, although it could also be associated with an obligation on the bank to take steps to ensure that this particular customer understands the risks. 2. 2. Liability for advice given Bank’s promotional material, may lead to the conclusion that it has taken on the responsibility of the borrower’s financial adviser. There is greater chance of liability when the bank advises unsophisticated customers; in several cases the English courts have held that a bank was liable when its bank manager failed to explain clearly to a wife the effect of a charge taken over joint property to secure a husband’s borrowings. Negligent advice can obviously occur in the range of matters in which banks become involved. Examples includes credit references; failure to pass on information on when a bank enters upon the task of advising a potential borrower about the attendant risks of a particular facility; statements by bank that it will make available to a customer adequate funds to enter a contract with a third party; advice about investments; and assurances that workout plans are heading in the right direction, and that the bank is optimistic about an agreement being reached. In Hedley Byrne the bank avoided liability because of a disclaimer in the reference. In would seem right as a matter of policy for a bank to be able to avoid the consequences of giving negligent advice by suitable notice to those receiving it. As a matter of policy, whether this is regarded conceptually as aborting liability or a exempting from liability already begotten is beside the point. The central issue in practice should be whether the disclaimer of , or exemption from, liability has been made clear to those being advised so they are in no doubt that the bank is washing its hands of the consequences if the advice proves inappropriate or wrong. A small print clause in a document given to those being advised is unlikely to satisfy this test. In English law the matter is handled by applying the unfair contract terms legislation. The seminal case recognizing the tort of negligent advice, Hedley Byrne Co. Ltd. V. Heller Partners Ltd, involved advice given about a customer’s creditworthiness in a bank reference. As subsequently interpreted, Hedley Byrne liability depends importantly on an assumption of responsibility by a bank, a sufficiently proximate relationship between the bank and the customer or third party, and on there being reliance on the statement. Assumption of responsibility an proximity are, in large part, legal fictions, and in practice a court will have regard to factors such as the purpose for which the statement was made and communicated, the bank’s knowledge that the advice was needed for a particular purpose, the relationship between the bank and the person relying on the advice, and the size of any class to which the latter belongs. As regards disclosure (and this includes electronic disclosure), it is worth repeating here what was said in Woods v. Martins Bank Ltd [1959] 1 Q. B. 5 at 60, where Salmon J. said It cannot be too clearly understood that solicitors owe a duty to the court, as officers of the court to make sure, as far as possible, that no relevant documents have been omitted from their clients list. Barclays Bank v OBrien [1994] 1 AC 180. A husband and wife agreed to a second mortgage secured on their home to help out the husbands ailing company. The necessary documents were sent to a branch with instructions to ensure that the couple were aware of what they doing and to take legal advice on the matter. This did not occur. The wife signed the documents, relying on her husbands explanation of the situation (that it involved ? 60,000 for 3 weeks). When the debt reached ? 154,000, the bank ordered the house to be repossessed. At appeal, the court held that misrepresentation to the wife had occurred, the bank was fixed with constructive notice and the wifes equitable right was enforceable against the bank. The case of Royal Bank of Scotland v Etridge was decided by the Lords in a Judgment handed down on 11th October 2001. The case set standards for lending institutions where guarantees are given by a third party. It also sets standards for Solicitors who take on the task of advising those third parties. The most important point for lending institutions, thinking of enforcing their security is that cases of this nature need to be tested on their facts. It will make the lower Courts think very carefully whether cases which are perceived as hopeless should be struck out at an early stage. The decision in this series of appeals mitigates against early strike out. It could mean that lending institutions no longer have a quick route by which to realize the security and in many cases they will be locked into trials which could prove lengthy and expensive.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Social Work Management in Youth and Communities

Social Work Management in Youth and Communities 1.0: Introduction Youth work in the community, which is mainly performed by specially trained youth workers who work with youth at risk in group homes and community centres demands a high level of managerial skills blend with the skill in social work as argued by Mark Krueger (2000)[1]. The fact that the youth work is a non-profit approach makes it clear that the established management concepts were successful in profit-based organization need necessarily prove effective when deployed. In this report an overview of the theories embracing the management and social work with regards to youth and community work is presented to the reader. The report also demonstrates relevant examples from my previous experience in order to justify that the author of this report is ready to perform as an autonomous and reflective practitioner in the area of youth and community work. Furthermore, the report also presents a critical analysis on the British Social policies and the European Union perspective. A brief review on the global view on the youth work is also presented before concluding the report. 2.0: Overview of the theoretical concepts embracing youth and community work with examples This section commences with the overview on the management and historical content that reflects upon the youth work is presented to the reader. This is then followed by the analysis of the information and control system where the importance of the planning and information management is presented to the reader. The section is then concluded with an overview on the human resource management concepts embracing the youth work. 2.1: Management and historical content Peter F. Druker (1990)[2] says that management in the non-profit context is not only about effective performance and development but mainly embraces the idea of value addition to the society. The fact that the non-profit organizations are increasing in number with the support from government and public as argued by Robert F. Ashcraft (2000)[3]. This is not only because of the fact that the non-profit organizations are focused upon charity and fund raising but also involves the development of people at risk. The youth at risk development, which is of interest in this report, was given high level of importance only since the dawn of the twenty-first century even though it was emphasised by many researchers as early as 1978 by Paul Osterman (1978)[4]. As stated before, youth work in the community is a non-profit approach where the aim is to provide support and development to the youth at risk. This makes it clear that the nature of the work involved is varied and hence management skills that embrace the social work and value addition are essential than the effective performance managers who fair well in the profit-based organizations. Furthermore, it is also interesting to note that the youth work is not always about the social work to revive youth in danger but also to provide value-added service to the community in order to develop the youth of the nation through imparting culture and discipline. Alongside, it is also an intriguing fact that even through the youth work is a non-profit approach, the investment involved with the setting up and the running costs of the community work are relatively high with negligible or no income being generated. The support by the government and the local city council being the major source of the support financially, the management skills of the youth workers should not only embrace the efficient cost management methods but also focus upon developing the effective relationship strategy with the community in order to involve the neighbourhood to support the community work morally or even financially as argued by Mark Krueger (2000). The fact that youth work is predominantly involves the counselling, teaching and caring for the youth who come to the youth shelter having been abused, or in need of respite from home. In these cases the managerial skills of the youth worker should be more empathetic than focusing upon the development. The soft skills of the management like patience, proactive management to support people in need are the essential elements of management that should be demonstrated by a youth worker as argued by Mark Schoenhals (1998)[5]. This justifies that the effective management in the social work context is not about performance but mainly about the deployment of the soft skills to support the youth in need. Alongside it is also essential to mention that the youth worker’s management skills should not only reflect upon the development of the youth but also to focus upon the entire neighbourhood the youth worker is working at as argued by Mark Krueger (2000)[6]. The fact that the youth worker predominantly working in a volatile environment (i.e.) an unstable work place like the temporary youth shelter, working with the parents, foster parents etc as identified by Mark Krueger (2000) makes it clear that the youth worker management skills should be versatile to accommodate the changes in the environment effectively. The author’s experience from working with the Coventry Youth service has justified the aforementioned argument where the author gained experience of working with the Asian community youth in Hill-fields are of Coventry. Alongside, the student development programme conducted at Binley area which was focused upon the development of the youth through working with the parents and foster parents of the youth is another justification that the versatile management skills that embrace the soft skills is essential for the successful development of the youth work. It is also critical to state here that the author who led the youth development programme at Binley with a team of six youth workers accomplished the goals of the project (provide support and development opportunity to the youth in the community through working with their parents or foster parents) through the efficient deployment of the management skills discussed above. 2.2: Information and Control system Information and control in the youth work is a critical element in order to achieve the goal of providing development services to the youth. This is mainly because of the fact that the youth worker having to face a varied environment requires accurate and comprehensive information so as to effectively deploy the development plan. Mark Krueger (2000) argues that the information is a vital element for the successful planning of the development plan in a give youth and community work scenario. This is not only because of the need to effectively deploy the resources but also to accomplish the goal of the youth work that is projected for the day. Alongside, it is also essential to note that the control over the youth work is essential in order to accomplish the set goals of the project on hand without wastage of time and resources. Sara Banks (1998)[7] argues that the youth work in a community should be deployed in a controlled manner reflecting upon the ethical conduct and code of ethics mainly because of the fact that the youth work itself involves the deployment of self-discipline and control by the youth worker who strives to set an example of himself to the youth community he/she targeting to reform or protect. The fact that the control in the youth work is not the control of the youth but the stages of the programme being deployed makes it a critical that the information gathered is accurate and effective in nature. The information being the vital ingredient for the deployment of a plan in the youth work as argued by Sara Banks (1998) further justifies that the youth work should comprise effective background research on the community targeted prior to planning. Sara Banks (198) further argues that the information research and the planning can be accomplished effectively and successfully deployed through closely working with the city council and the local community centres by which the youth worker enjoys higher level of support and help from the community. Sara Banks (1998) also state that stating the objective of the youth work for a particular project is the critical element for the successful planning itself. This is also justified by the arguments of Abraham Daniel (1999)[8] who says that the objective of the youth work is the main element that attracts the community to participate in the youth development programme by the youth workers. Apart from the objective setting the factors of planning and evaluation are essential in order to deploy the resources since the plan of the youth work devised can be accomplished only through the effective evaluation of the information and plan in the light of the needs in the community targeted. The youth work participated by the author at Shotton in North Wales where the major barrier was the language because of the predominant Welsh population in the community. Alongside the cultural differences faced by the author and his team members along with the language barrier was overcome only through the effective information research on the community and closely working with the city council. The objective of the work being the rehabilitation of the youth who were under drug abuse was effectively planned through the effective information gathering on the activities of the youth in the community as well as the involvement of the local community centres to support the planning of the project. Furthermore, it is also essential to mention that the author who was the team member during the deployment of this project was given the opportunity of planning the work along with the team leader. It was clearly evident from the experience gained that the efficient planning is an essential el ement for the successful deployment of the youth work on hand. Alongside, the work at Shotton also provided valuable experience on the development of the controls around the project and the targets to meet in order to effectively accomplish the revival of the youth from drug abuse in the community. Since the project was initially misinterpreted as a rehabilitation project than support to the community, the marketing and communication of the project objective as a supporting element to develop the youth in the neighbourhood rather than a rehabilitation school. The process of working closely with the local community centres and the city council was highly supportive to achieve the confidence and support from the parents and foster parents of the youth. This is synonymous to the arguments of Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller (2005)[9] who argue that the marketing communication is the vital tool for successfully reaching the target customers both in case of the profit-based and non-profit organizations. The discussions cited above comprise a vital example for the critical nature of the information and control in the youth work. 2.3: Human Resource management in youth work Human resource in any kind of work is indispensable in nature as argued by Derek Torrington and Laura Hall (2003)[10]. This is apparently because of the fact that the effective performance of the personnel involved in the project is the kindling element for accomplishing the project goals. This is also evident from the arguments of Michael Armstrong (2003)[11] who emphasises the fact that the human resource especially in a non-profit scenario is the foundation pillar for the entire project itself. The fact that the motivation and encouragement in the youth work or in any other form of social work is only through the effective leadership skills of the team leader who has to consider that the motivation is purely moral in nature and does not always include financial benefits. This apparently means that the leadership skills of the manager managing the project should be exemplary and must also demonstrate flexibility along with the authority and control. This is essential because of the volatile nature of the community work and the continuous changes that can affect the performance of the team members in involved in the community work. Andrew Rothwell and John Arnold (2005)[12] argue that the human resource management in a non-profit scenario and mainly the performance management are dependent upon the level of authority and control exercised by the manager in deploying the resources. This is also because of the fact that the results are not easily measurable in case of youth and community work, which makes it critical to understand that the performance of the youth workers is predominantly dependant upon their adherence to the controls and effectiveness in deploying the plan. Alongside, the authority element as argued by Mark Krueger (2000) is also an element of management and influence among the team members mainly because of the fact that the managers in the youth and community work do not have direct supervisory control over the team members since they work in a dispersed nature within the community under consideration itself. This makes it clear that the effective management can be accomplished only through the effective exercise of the authority. Furthermore, the fact that the youth workers and the youth with whom they work comprise the overall project plan makes it a complex job to effectively manage the youth worker to demonstrate self-discipline and character so as to set an example in the youth community they work. This being an essential element for the success of the youth and community work project is the major element that attributes to the human resource management by the managers in the youth work. Unlike the profit-based organization the non-profit approach with the need to demonstrate empathy and maintain effective relationship with the community makes it further critical for the managers to deploy a structured approach to the management of the youth and social work as argued by Peter F Druker (1990). A structured approach will not only enhance the performance of the youth workers but also help accomplish the objectives of the project effectively. This is also evident from the need to effectively organize the resources in order to accomplish the objectives as well as establish effective relationship with the community. The fact that the relationship with the community can be effectively nurtured through the structured deployment of the project by the managers emphasises the importance of the structured approach and performance management in youth and community work. The learning development project by the author and his team members at Tividale, in Dudley port at Birmingham is a classical example for the aforementioned discussions. The author being the team leader not only faced the language and cultural barriers but also a level of non-cooperation by certain community centres. Since the population in the target community was of diverse origin the need for a structured approach was essential to accomplish the planning and information research stages itself. This is not only because of the structured deployment but also through the effective deployment of the human resource (i.e.) management of the team members. The team had an inherent advantage of inclusion and diversity since the members were of different origin working for the same goal. This was effectively utilised to liaise with the community centres and gather required information and involvement to the project. The management of the members through the exercise of authority for example t he emphasis on working for target by the author was the factor that contributed to the effective performance among the team members. Furthermore, the planning and deployment of the project through allocating each team member a team of youth and an attached community centre also proved successful to the youth work as well as motivating to the youth worker. The effective planning process, which provided effective management as well as accomplishment of the targets within the time frame agreed, helped to the success of the project greatly. From the above discussions it is clear that the author of the report has strived to demonstrate a clear understanding of the management theoretical concepts with examples from this experience gained through fieldwork. In the next section a critical analysis on the big picture of the British Youth policies and comparison to that of the European Union and a global perspective is presented to the reader. 3.0: The big picture The British youth policies as argued by John A. Calhoun (2002)[13] is predominantly rehabilitation based (i.e.) the use of law and order to accomplish the youth development can be seen in the system. Although the youth development in the UK embraces the welfare of the youth, the stringent laws present on the Binge drinking and other anti-social activities that results in cash penalties and even imprisonment makes the youth policy a little overstated in the UK. Bill Katz (2004)[14] further argues that the policies adhered in the UK is not only the critical element for the successful deployment of youth and community work in the society but also establishes the need to establish trust among the public in order to gain their co-operation. The British youth policies in general even through as stringent laws is focused upon the overall development of the youth community in the UK in order to present an effective and sustainable environment for the future. This approach of the government is necessary because of the increasing diversity in the population in the UK. The interesting fact that the diversity in the UK population has not tarnished the support by the community to government’s strive to youth development but is also against the use of force and law against youth accused for anti-social activities. The need for self-discipline and control in the society as stated by John A Calhoun (2002) makes it clear that the need to use force when necessary to accomplish the aforementioned is inevitable. Furthermore, an insight into the Greater Manchester Metropolitan Police report (2004)[15] makes it clear that the use of force is the last used method to control anti-social behaviour by the youth involved in anti-social behaviour. This further makes it clear that youth policy both at the local and national level use force to control anti-social behaviour of youth as a last sought method rather than using it in the first instance. This justifies the youth policy of the nation, which is focused upon the development of youth and protection from abuse whilst exercising force when involved in anti-social behaviour. The youth policy proposed by the European Union is similar to the approach of UK except for the emphasis on the use of force on youth. The policy not only reflects upon the need to provide development and support to the youth but also emphasises upon the restricted use of force in by the authorities. Since the approach of European Union embraces the member states it is thus essential to emphasise upon the restriction on the use of force. This is because of the varied nature of the exercise of law and order across European Union member states thus making it essential to prevent the use of force on the youth. It is also intriguing to note that not only the western countries are involved in the youth development and support but also the countries in the Far East like China and India. The Chinese government approach to youth development as a critical element for the economic growth of the nation makes it clear that the Far eastern countries have realised the importance of youth development in order to sustain the economic growth of their nation. 4.0: Conclusion Thus to conclude this report, it is clear that the management of youth and community work by the youth workers and managers is a challenging role that requires versatile people skills blended with effective management and planning. The overview on the theoretical concepts and the examples has revealed the author’s understanding and knowledge in managing youth and community work. The overview on the big picture detailing the British youth policy and the European Union has also justified the extent of research conducted in order to establish as an autonomous and reflective practitioner in the area of youth and community work by the author. 5.0: References Books Derek Torrington and Laura Hall (2003), Personnel Management HRM in Action, UK: Prentice Hall Michael Armstrong and Tina Stephens (2003) A handbook of employee reward management and practice, London Kogan Page Peter F. Druker (1990), Managing the non-profit organization: practices and principles, London: Butterworth-Heinemann Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller (2005), Marketing Management 12e, Prentice Hall India Journals and reports Abraham Daniel (1999), ESTABLISHMENT OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVE UNITS. Annals of Public Cooperative Economics, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p169 Andrew Rothwell and John Arnold (2005), How HR professionals rate continuing professional development Human Resource Management Journal, 2005, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p18-32 Bill Katz (2004), Youth Policy: The Monthly Report on National Youth Program and Issues. Library Journal, 4/1/89, Vol. 114 Issue 6, p119-119 Greater Manchester Metropolitan Police (2004), Performance Statistics John A. Calhoun (2002), Claiming youth: A new paradigm in youth policy. New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising, Winter2002, Vol. 2002 Issue 38, p67-80 Mark Krueger (2000), Presence, Fear, Curiosity, and Other Themes in Community Youth Work. Applied Developmental Science, 2000 Supplement 1, Vol. 4. Mark Krueger (2000), Presence, Fear, Curiosity, and Other Themes in Community Youth Work Applied Developmental Science, Jun2000 Supplement 1, Vol. 4 Issue 3, p21-27 Mark Schoenhals (1998), The Educational and Personal Consequences of Adolescent Employment. Social Forces, Dec98, Vol. 77 Issue 2, p723-762 Paul Osterman (1978), Youth, Work, and Unemployment. May/Jun78, Vol. 21 Issue 2 Robert F. Ashcraft (2000), Where Youth Work Preparation Meets Higher Education: Perspectives From an American Humanics Campus Program. Applied Developmental Science, 2000 Supplement 1, Vol. 4 Sara Banks (1998), Codes of Ethics and Ethical Conduct: A View from the Caring Professions. Public Money Management, Jan-Mar98, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p27 Footnotes [1] Mark Krueger (2000), Presence, Fear, Curiosity, and Other Themes in Community Youth Work. Applied Developmental Science, 2000 Supplement 1, Vol. 4. [2] Peter F. Druker (1990), Managing the non-profit organization : practices and principles, London: Butterworth-Heinemann [3] Robert F. Ashcraft (2000), Where Youth Work Preparation Meets Higher Education: Perspectives From an American Humanics Campus Program. Applied Developmental Science, 2000 Supplement 1, Vol. 4 [4] Paul Osterman (1978), Youth, Work, and Unemployment. May/Jun78, Vol. 21 Issue 2 [5] Mark Schoenhals (1998), The Educational and Personal Consequences of Adolescent Employment.. Social Forces, Dec98, Vol. 77 Issue 2, p723-762 [6] Mark Krueger (2000), Presence, Fear, Curiosity, and Other Themes in Community Youth Work Applied Developmental Science, Jun2000 Supplement 1, Vol. 4 Issue 3, p21-27 [7] Sara Banks (1998), Codes of Ethics and Ethical Conduct: A View from the Caring Professions. Public Money Management, Jan-Mar98, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p27 [8] Abraham Daniel (1999), ESTABLISHMENT OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVE UNITS. Annals of Public Cooperative Economics, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p169 [9] Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller (2005), Marketing Management 12e, Prentice Hall India [10] Derek Torrington and Laura Hall (2003), Personnel Management HRM in Action, UK: Prentice Hall [11] Michael Armstrong and Tina Stephens (2003) A handbook of employee reward management and practice, London Kogan Page [12] Andrew Rothwell and John Arnold (2005), How HR professionals rate continuing professional development Human Resource Management Journal, 2005, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p18-32 [13] John A. Calhoun (2002), Claiming youth: A new paradigm in youth policy. New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising, Winter2002, Vol. 2002 Issue 38, p67-80 [14] Bill Katz (2004), Youth Policy : The Monthly Report on National Youth Program and Issues. Library Journal, 4/1/89, Vol. 114 Issue 6, p119-119 [15] Greater Manchester Metropolitan Police (2004), Performance Statistics

Friday, September 20, 2019

Teaching English In Kindergarten Education Essay

Teaching English In Kindergarten Education Essay If piety is to take root in any man ´s heart, it must be engrafted while he is still young ; if we wish any to be virtuous we must train him in early youth ; if we wish him to make great progress in the persuit of wisdom , we must direct his faculties towards it in infancy, when desire burns , when taught is swift and when memory is tenacious. The process of education is one of the most important and complex of all human endeavors. A popular notion is that education is carried out by one person, a teacher, standing in front of the class and transmitting information to a group of learners who are willing to absorb it. This view simplifies what is a highly complex process involving an intricate interplay between the learning process itself, the teacher`s intentions and actions, the individual personalities of the learners, their background, etc. This research paper aims to provide a coherent psychological framework that will help language teachers to make connections between the process of learning and the making of decision in the classroom of kindergarten. In order to do so, it is necessary to adopt a particular approach to psychology which will be helpful at the moment of teaching English to children. The infantile education across the years has been extending this field of action to children. For the 4 and 5-year-old children, kindergarten has turned into an ideal area where to share the game and the learning with other children. The progresses reached in the skills and skills motorboats focus their behavior. English learning in kindergarten has become a phenomenon to education. The most standing points are the capacities to learn a new language rapidly. Children utilize different types of mental resources to incorporate words and meanings. They do interpretations of the listened and observed around them and this relation is notable with the new language. As a consequence, children increase their attention and their autonomy increase as well. Another essential aspect at this level is listening skill considered as essential to encourage the retention of information and actions which they consider to be children`s own childhood. Teaching English to children who have not yet reached a first grade age presents challenges which may not be so noticeable at first. It is the young children who exhibit voracity and aptitude for assimilating English which definitely diminishes with age. In light of this, there are several facets to bear in mind which will make teaching this special age bracket all the more rewarding. Very young children may often not grasp that teacher does not understand what they are saying, and may be very puzzled that neither can they make this strange adult comprehend their chatter, nor make head or tail of what is being directed at them. , but their willingness to please and expressive body language easily makes up for any frustrations. Incorporating several key themes into every lesson plan will maximize learning and enjoyment potential for all. Meeting the language development needs of such culturally and linguistically diverse students is challenging for teachers. A supportive, student-centered environment will assist the language development of all students. Such an environment, which values and accepts students languages, cultures and experiences as the foundation for instruction, will support and nurture each students language acquisition and development. Teachers who are aware of students sociolinguistic backgrounds can assess individual linguistic competence and assist students in developing English abilities in familiar and non-threatening contexts. Students are more likely to experiment with language and take risks during independent and collaborative language activities if they perceive their languages, cultures and experiences as significant, and if they recognize that their peers and teachers share this perception. It is important to say that teachers have not been trained to teach English in kindergarten. However, Kindergarten and elementary school teachers play a vital role in the development of children. What children learn and experience during their early years can shape their views of themselves and the world and can affect their later success or failure in school, work, and their personal lives. Kindergarten and elementary school teachers introduce children to mathematics, language, science, and social studies. They use games, music, artwork, films, books, computers, and other tools to teach basic skills. Teachers play an important role in fostering the intellectual and social development of children during their formative years. The education that students acquire is key to determining the future of those students. Whether in elementary or high schools or in private or public schools, teachers provide the tools and the environment for their students to develop into responsible adults. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The importance of teaching English in kindergarten as well as the importance of teachers ´ role The focal point of this research is to appreciate the significance of teaching English in Kindergarten due to the fact that teachers have not been trained to deal in this level nor the use of methodologies in the process of learning. Also, it aims to take consideration the teachers ´ work. OBJECTIVES The goal of this study is: To understand how children acquire a second language To appreciate English teachers  ´role To describe the methodologies to teach in kindergarten. To appreciate the importance of teaching English to children for future levels. SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS STUDY This research is about how a new language is learned in kindergarten. I believe that this information about findings and theoretical views in second language acquisition can make a better judge and proponents of various language teaching methods. Such information can help to evaluate moment to moment of reflections about our children in kindergarten and teachers teaching a second language in this level. Also this work focuses in knowing the characteristics of the 4 and 5-year-old children of age during the process of learning. How incredibly is seeing children to manage to be orientated and to be located without having problems with what it concerns the language. HYPOTHESIS Teaching English in kindergarten is possible to fail because of: Lack of teaching training in kindergarten Lack of methods and resources to teach in kindergarten Chapter II BACKGROUND Teaching English in kindergarten must be as motivating as possible. Teachers should work with children taking into account their autonomy, curiosity, their capacity, and their willingness to do, say, listen, everything at the same time. The classes must take place in an environment full of motivation for children to acquire confidence in themselves. It is through play that much of childrens early learning is achieved. The physical, socio-emotional and intellectual development of children is dependent upon activity. Therefore, opportunity for play is a key aspect of the Kindergarten program. The program builds on, rather than detracts from, this natural approach to learning. Through touching, manipulating, exploring and testing, children find out about the world around them. Through interacting with other children and adults, they find out about themselves and their relationship to others. Through play, children imitate adults and experiment with what it means to be a caregiver, a fisher, a firefighter, a doctor and so on. Through play, they learn how to solve problems and work cooperatively with others. The features of the room of roleplaying are: a receptive and supportive environment for learning materials and equipment designed to provide for multi-level and multi-content experiences instruction based on the individual needs of each child an integration of ways of learning with understandings to be developed a total learning environment which provides for alternate ways of learning: play, games, sensory education, concrete manipulation and physical participation emphasis on language development. For the purpose of this study it is necessary to mention important authors as guides Age of acquisition We now turn to a learner characteristic of a different type: age. This is a characteristic which is easier to define and measure than personality, aptitude or motivation. Nevertheless, the relationship between a learner ´s age and his or her potential for success in second language acquisition is the subject of much lively debate. Chomsky makes a distinction between acquisition and learning explaining that It has been widely observe that children from immigrate families eventually speak the language of their new community with native-like fluency. Their parents rarely achieve such high levels of mastery of the new language. Adult second language learners may become very capable of communicating successfully in the language, but there will always be differences of accent, word choice or grammatical features which set them apart from native speakers who began learning the language while they were very young. One explanation is that as in first language acquisition there is a critical period for second language acquisition, the CRITICAL PERIOD HYPOTHESIS suggests that there is a time in human development when the brain is predisposed for success in language learning. Language learning which occur after the end of the critical period may not be based on the innate structures believed to contribute to first language acquisition in early childhood. Rather, older learners depend on more general learning abilities. According to Chomsky, learning take place in a formal environment where the learner depends on the teachers and learns form him/her. Another important author is Piaget who claimed that individuals are actively involved right from birth in constructing personal meaning, their own personal understanding, from their experiences. In other words, everyone makes their own sense of the world and the experiences around them. Piaget himself was mainly interested in the way in which people came to know things as they developed from infancy to adulthood. Thus, his theory is one which is action based, more concerned with the process of learning. Piaget ´s theory is based in learners passing through a series of stages: Sensori-motor stage : for the young infant, the most important way of exploring the environment is considered by Piaget to be through the basic senses. Intuitive or pre-operational stage: between the ages of 2 and 7. This is when the child ´s thoughts become more flexible and when memory and imagination begin to play a part. Concrete operational stage: between the age of 7 and the formal operational stage. Piaget ´s staged do have a message for the language teacher. When teaching young learners, we should not expect them to have reached the stage of abstract reasoning nd therefore should not expect them to apply this to sorting out the rules of the language. It is more important to provide experiences in the target language which are related o aspects of the child ´s own world. An original thinker in his own right, Bruner extended aspects of Piagetian theory to suggesting that three different modes of thinking needed to be taken into account by educators. These he termed the enactive, the iconic and symbolic modes of thought. These three categories are considered by Bruner to represent the essential ways in which children make sense of their experiences: through their actions, by means of visual imagery and by using language. The enactive level: learning takes place by means of direct manipulation of objects and materials. The iconic level: objects are represented by visual images one step removed from the real thing. The symbolic level: symbols can be manipulated in place of objects or mental images. How children of 4 and 5 are Kindergarten children, no matter what their cultural and experiential background, have characteristics in common with other children of their age and characteristics that are particularly their own Socio-emotional Development Children develop socially and emotionally during the Kindergarten year. At the beginning of the year some children may be shy and appear to lack initiative. However, as they come to know the situation, the teachers and peers, they usually gain confidence and begin to establish friendships and become an active part of the class. Other children may be too assertive prior to learning from experience more appropriate ways of relating to peers. It is a time of testing and exploring social relationships. Kindergarten children are eager to be trusted with responsibility. They appreciate going on errands, using proper tools, participating with grown-ups in such activities as cooking, bringing things from home, and suggesting solutions to practical problems. Although there are some senses in which Kindergarten students are still egocentric (that is, tied to their own view of things) they are also able, in a suitable group environment, to be of help to each other. They can show considerable empathy toward people and animals when their own needs do not conflict with the needs of others. When helpfulness is noticed, modeled and encouraged by the teacher, helpful behavior is likely to become more common in the classroom. Kindergarten children are developing a sense of independence but are also learning to work cooperatively with others. Kindergarten children are more stable socio-emotionally than they were as preschoolers. They are developing a good sense of humour, which they express by delighting in nonsense and playing with language. They may develop specific fears, such as the fear of death, and mistakenly assume that they have caused such events as their parents separating. Kindergarten students take criticism, name calling and teasing very seriously because they still think that what is said exists in reality at its face value. Physical Development Physical activity is one common characteristic of Kindergarten children, although children vary a great deal in the development of physical skills and abilities. Some children are slow and cautious about trying new things; others seem to accept any challenge that is presented. Most Kindergarten children are full of energy, ready to run, swing, climb and jump, and are eager to try their strength by moving big blocks or boxes. They are developing a sense of rhythm, and enjoy such activities as marching, jumping or clapping to music. These group activities need to be short and allow for more participation than standing. Required stillness is more exhausting and stressful for most Kindergarten students than movement. Sensory development is uneven. The coordination of the eyes and other senses are still developing. Physical growth has slowed down. It is a time of consolidating gains and developing fine motor control. However, over-emphasis on fine motor activities such as writing, cutting and making very discrete visual discriminations may result in tension and frustration. Intellectual Development Kindergarten children love to talk. Their intellectual development is reflected in the rapid growth of vocabulary and the power to express ideas. They are developing visual and auditory memory and the ability to listen to others. Their ears are keen but they still need help in distinguishing sounds, although they can pick up another language and accurately imitate other peoples intonations and inflections. They are especially keen to acquire new words (the names of dinosaurs, for example) and to use such words as infinity and trillion. Kindergarten children welcome opportunities to be inventive with language, to play with rhyming, to joke, to explain things to each other and even to argue. Opportunities to talk about what they do, what they see and what they hear help children construct meaning and learn from their experiences. The language and ideas shared by others enable children to gradually organize and attach meaning to their daily observations and activities. Kindergarten children have a powerful urge to find out about things, to figure things out. They ask many questions, often deep unanswerable questions and they love to play guessing games or solve riddles. Their curiosity leads them to figure out concepts and relationships, and become interested in symbols. They enjoy listening to stories, but they do not learn very much from passive attention to the teacher or mere listening to information. The intellectual growth of Kindergarten students comes from exploration, testing and investigating rather than only from listening. The children are still figuring out the properties of objects and are not yet able to reverse operations, that is, to understand that 250 ml of water in a tall narrow glass and 250 ml of water in a large, flat pan are equal in volume. Their reasoning, from an adult perspective, is still illogical. Happenings that occur together are thought to have a causal relationship to each other, for example, Because I wore my new shoes, it rained.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Diablo II Den of Evil :: essays research papers

Quest 1 - Den of Evil Did we miss anything on a quest? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know! Quest Giver: Akara the Healer (in the starting camp). Begin by: talking with Akara for the first time. Quest Location: Blood Moor, Den of Evil cave. Quest Reward: One extra skill point. This introductory quest should bring you to level 3 or 4 by the end, depending on how much you fought before hand. To find the Den, simply follow the worn dirt path out of town until it forks (before you reach the Cold Plains area). Choose a direction. One will lead you to the cave and one will lead to a dead end. It's random. Your object is to rid the cave of every creature inside. When you face the demon shaman's, take care of them first, as they will resurrect their fallen demon cohorts. You should face one or two unique bosses, all built for your level, so expect some magic gear. When you're finished, you'll see beams of light pierce through the cavern ceiling. It's common to have to hunt for one or two remaining creatures, as they tend to scatter. Return to Akara for a wonderful starting boost. This is not a mandatory quest, but as mentioned in the intro, you'll be able to do it again in Nightmare and yet again in Hell, each for additional and almost free skill points. Don't worry, you'll work off this guilty pleasure later. Quest 2 - Sisters' Burial Grounds Did we miss anything on a quest? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know! Quest Giver: Kashya the Rogue Leader (in the starting camp). Begin by: speaking with Kashya after completing Quest 1, or by entering the Cemetery. Quest Location: The Burial Grounds next to the Cold Plains. Quest Reward: One Rogue Mercenary and the ability to hire Rogues. Your objective is to free the Burial Grounds from a previous Rogue Captain named Blood Raven, who was corrupted by Andariel, and who is now wreaking havoc by raising undead creatures. Head to the Cold Plains, the first major area outside of town, and run around the perimeter looking for an exit from the area. If it's Stony Field, the next major area, keep moving around the perimeter. When you get to the Burial Grounds a quest log reminder will pop up. Kill the zombies and skeletons surrounding the cemetery first, and then head toward the center through one of the entrances.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Theseus vs. Oberon in A Midsummer Nights Dream :: A Midsummer Nights Dream

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the course of Shakespeare?s A Midsummer Night?s Dream, the rise of two leaders emerge. Theseus, the leader of Athens and of ?reality?, and Oberon, the leader of the fairies and of ?dreams?. Shakespeare makes it evident that these leaders are two of a completely different nature. As the play progresses it?s clear that Oberon is the better leader of the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When dealt with the pressures of being a leader of people, the most essential aspect of this duty is communication. In the play, usually done by speeches, each leader targets a different are of human physiology. In the line, ?I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With sweet musk roses, and with eglantine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There sleeps Titania sometime of the night,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And there the snake throws her enameled skin,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And with the juice of this I'll streak her eyes,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And make her full of hateful fantasies,? (ActII, Sc2. 259-267) Oberon stresses the use of emotion to understand what he is saying. On the other hand, Theseus accentuates the use of logic, best portrayed in this line, ?I never may believe these antique fables, nor these fairy toys...?(ActV, Sc1. 4-5)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another necessary trait of a good leader is courage, in which Theseus has little of. Theseus possesses an ?if-then? complex. Oberon on the other hand reacts without consideration of consequence. This may seem like a weakness to most people, but in the heat of the moment there is no time for decision making but a good leader must act acutely.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Film review of Romeo and Juliet Essay

Tears, laughter, fear and desperation. These are just some of the emotions you’re guaranteed to endure whilst viewing the epic tragedy that is, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†. This classic love story was first written by William Shakespeare in 1591, it was adapted for screenplay by Baz Luhrmann and Craig Pearce. This version was first released in 1996, Baz Luhrmann, the critically acclaimed director of the film, brought a modern, energetic and unforgettable quality to a fantastic theatre piece. With a budget of $14,500,000 and making $46,400,000 in the box office, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† was an immediate hit. This was highlighted in awards ceremonies where the film achieved 3 BAFTA’s and 2 Oscar nominations proving its heartbreaking brilliance. â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† begins with the knowledge that two ‘star-crossed lovers’ have taken their lives due to constant bickering and fighting between two dignified and highly respected families, The Montague’s and The Capulet’s. At the start of the film, we are taken on a whirlwind tour of Verona beach, where the movie is set, we can see that a high proportion of the businesses are owned by either the Montague or Capulet family. During the appearances of the Montague and Capulet families, we can see a significant difference immediately. The Montague’s wear bright Hawaiian shirts and board shorts, whereas the Capulet’s look a lot more sophisticated, wearing mainly black/brown western styled outfits. This makes you think that perhaps the Capulet’s are a lot more serious and noble than the Montague’s in the younger generations. The movie takes us through Romeo and Juliet’s story, from a fairy tale meeting and a lustrous affair, to true romance and passion that eventually leads to their deaths in one of the most moving scenes in film history. With a cast of stars, including Leonardo De Caprio (Titanic, The Beach, The Talented Mr Ripley) playing Romeo and Claire Danes (Polish Wedding, Stray Dogs) playing Juliet, the film was always sure to shine. The tears Romeo cries appear to come straight from the heart of De Caprio, this leaves you wanting to solve his problems and see that Romeo and his Juliet are together forever, which they of course are. Baz Luhrmann was born in Australia but grew up in Northern New South Wales, he first began film productions in 1985 after attending the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney. The first well-known film that Luhrmann independently released was â€Å"Strictly Ballroom† (1992) surprisingly â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† was only the second major film he released, in 1996. This was followed by the enchanting and mesmerising â€Å"Moulin Rouge†(2000), which was an immediate hit, boasting one of the most astounding soundtracks ever made. The music in Luhrmann’s films seems to revolve around a theme of amazing orchestral pieces building up to climaxes that make your hair stand on end. In both â€Å"Moulin Rouge† and â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, Luhrmann uses singers to give you goose bumps, that are superior to any previously heard. Besides his ability to give you singing voices that will fill you with tears or joy, Luhrmann also achieves this with his perfectly selected sets. During one of the final scenes, in which Romeo finds Juliet, the family tomb is filled with candles, the dim light shed from these gives the perfect romantic yet tense atmosphere that the scene requires. Before the final tragedy occurs, Luhrmann draws you into the puppy love apparent in Juliet and Romeo, portraying them as ‘Loves Young Dream’. This only makes it worse when you witness their dreams being shattered. The circumstances of their deaths were always going to be heart-wrenching, but Luhrmann breaks your heart, as Romeo gently walks through the dimly lit tomb to his ‘dead’ lovers side. Their last kiss is almost as traumatic as the deaths themselves, to see the fear and desperation in Juliet’s (Clare Danes) eyes, knowing she’s lost her first love. It’s at points like this, that you can see how talented Luhrmann is at raising the anticipation up to a level at which you actually need to know more. Throughout their (Romeo & Juliet’s) final kiss, you find yourself praying Juliet wakes up, even though you already know she wont. Even though this is the film’s most tearful moment, the most spectacular scene is the confrontation at the petrol station, which gives you an idea of the rivalry and sheer hatred between the two families. The line â€Å"Peace, I hate the word, like I hate†¦. and all Montagues. † Spoken by Tybalt, a Capulet, this shows how forbidden Romeo and Juliet’s love would have been. However, there are points at which the delivery of lines is somewhat impersonal, for example in some scenes involving Juliet and the nurse, its almost as if the characters don’t actually know what they’re saying in modern English, and have purely learnt the lines without pursuing the issue further. Yet, with other characters, such as, Romeo and Mercutio, you actually feel that this is the language they normally use, the delivery of lines is in such a way that the actors appear to be deeply involved with their character. MERCUTIO is such an effective Mercutio, he brings comedy to every moment, even when he is dying he would make the audience giggle, if they were not so emotionally torn by emotional pain at the same time.